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Our Impact

100  +
Hours of sessions each Month
600  +
Participants attend every month
40  +
Volunteers help out

Our Stories

Success for us is making a meaningful difference in peoples lives. The stories below are a testament to how communities can make a meaningful impact and difference by uniting together. Goals Beyond Grass is proud to engage the whole community and share these success stories. 

Head over to our news page to see all the latest GBG stories!

Sessions and Player Stories

Holiday Activity Programme

The Goals Beyond Grass HAF Programme was enjoyed by over 30 children throughout 2022, many of which had physical and learning disabilities. 

Each child was asked to give us one sentence about their experience with the HAF programme, and a rating out of 10. 

On average, our rating was a 9/10, with over half of the answers being 10/10 or higher!

Children’s Feedback – August 2022

  • A total of 75 participants were counted
  • Of those 75, we had 27 different children, 19 of which came back on multiple occasions
  • 51% of the 27 participants had a disability
  • 72% said that they tried something new
  • Almost 2 Thirds said that they made new friends
  • 78% said that they had a great day
  • All of the children said that they had Fun and felt Happy
  • 71% rated their day 5/5 stars

Children’s Feedback – December 2022

  • Best Day of My Life
  • I liked all of the activities that happened during the day. The food has also been yummy.
  • It was fun because I learned how to use the PowerChairs. It was good to meet people.
  • It was very good to play with different people
  • I enjoyed the parachute games
  • I loved the snowball fight
  • 9.8/10
  • I liked Basketball
  • I liked cycling in the hall when it was raining, outside is more fun though

Abs Nanabawa

Abs Nanabawa is one of our Gloucester City PAN Disability Football Players. His first contact with Goals Beyond Grass was in late 2021, when he was referred to us by Create Gloucestershire. He is visually impaired, which challenges him in many different situations, on and off the football pitch, which caused him to feel socially isolated after moving to Gloucestershire in 2019. When Abs was referred to us via Create Gloucestershire, we had only recently set up our Gloucester City PAN Disability football teams, which Abs wanted to play in. This was due to his love for football, his desire to meet new people, and improve his fitness.

On the football pitch, Abs struggles to see the ball and his surroundings, which cause him to have great difficulty passing the ball, and shooting. However, this doesn’t stop him. With help from the GBG team, Abs manages to negotiate his way around these challenges, and is a strong player, and a leader, in our Development team, that play in the Gloucestershire FA Disability Counts League.

When he first arrived at our PAN football sessions, Abs felt “Socially Isolated, nervous, and low in confidence”, and ‘he was anxious because of the new environment, and a feeling that the help he needed wouldn’t be provided to him’. The Goals Beyond Grass team helped him through this stage, showing that any help that he needs will provided, from tying his laces on his boots for him, to having a spotter on the side of the pitch, telling him where the ball is going and where he should be to give him the best chance to score, which he has done in both of the last two ‘tournaments’ (as the matches are only 6-a-side and 25 minutes long, all of the teams will head to one venue and play 1 or 2 matches against each team in their league).

“Being part of a team is amazing, as we all work together to overcome each other’s disabilities, and get to the level that we need to compete as a team in the FA Disability Counts League.” – Abs Nanabawa.

Off the football pitch, Abs has seen an improvement in his Mental Health and Wellbeing, because he is regularly playing the sport that he loves, and he gets 2 hours of social interaction each week which he wouldn’t have otherwise. He also helps with other Goals Beyond Grass initiatives, such as helping us come up with ideas to improve social isolation outside of sports, like our new Food, Fun, and Friendship group, which invites people into a warm space, to chat and have some warm food.

Oakley Adult Opportunity Centre

Oakley Adult Opportunity Centre (Oakley AOC) is a Day Centre that is based in Cheltenham, which we have been delivering sessions to since our first year of operation. Oakley provide day care for adults with learning disabilities.

Oakley come to our GOGA sessions (Get out Get active) every Wednesday at the GL3 Community Hub, where we set up and play inclusive sports with many of the service users and staff. This is a great opportunity for the centre to take their service users outside of the AOC, buut ensure that where they are going is safe, and familiar. We also have more room here than they do at Oakley, so we can play more intense games with those who can, such as Football and Basketball.

We also go into Oakley at least 4 times a year to deliver Powerchair Football Sessions, which allow everyone there to have a go in the chairs, score a couple of goals, and support their peers when they have their go. We also get the carers to have a go, which all of the service users love to see, as they rarely have good control of the chairs, there is always a lot of laughing.

Volunteer Stories


Charlie is a 21 Year Old Frame Runner from the Forest of Dean. She is currently number 2 in the UK, having competed against the best of the best for many years. In 2016, Charlie competed in Barcelona for the World Games and came back with 2 Bronze, 1 Silver, and 1 Gold Medal, being crowned World Champion over 400 meters. In 2022, at the Prince of Wales Stadium, Charlie won 3 Gold Medals with 3 Personal Bests and a World record in those 3 races.

Charlie was doing a Supported Internship course at Cinderford College, and her work Placement was at Goals Beyond Grass, in September 2020. Since then, Charlie has volunteered weekly with us, at many different sessions. At the moment, Charlie helps with our Inclusive Cycling sessions at BlackBridge Athletics Track, which is where she does her frame running training. When our Forest of Dean Inclusive Cycling Sessions are running, Charlie comes along to participate and help out. Charlie also comes to the GL3 Community Hub on a Wednesday Morning to help with our GOGA sessions (Get Out Get Active), then she does some admin work in the office.

‘The best thing about volunteering is meeting and helping new people, whilst also having lots of fun. I really enjoy the inclusive cycling sessions in the forest, the location is amazing’ – Charlie.

Brian, Laura, Kyarna

Brian, Laura and Kyarna are a family from Gloucester. Brian and Laura have been together for years, meeting just 6 months before Laura had life changing surgery, meaning she then became a wheelchair user. Laura has an older son who has learning and physical disabilities, who lives away from home, although he regularly visits and participates in our Sunday Cycling Sessions. Laura and Brian’s daughter Kyarna is only 4 years old, being our Youngest Volunteer, and she learnt to cycle with GBG, as she has been attending sessions since she was a baby.

Laura’s first involvement with GBG was as a participant. She couldn’t bear weight due to her spinal operations, so thought it was amazing to find something she could do as a family. ‘Many things cater for a disabled participant and a carer, but as a mum of a sun with disabilities, and a family who all cared for each other, our options for activities were very limited’. As Laura grew in confidence, she found herself helping out in a voluntary role with the Belmont Cycling sessions on a Sunday. Seeing the difference it made to Laura, and the help they needed due to having an adapted role, Brian then joined in to help out.

This involvement started in 2016, under a different company, until she moved over to GBG with Mary Clare in 2017. Brian then officially joined as a volunteer at the same time in 2017, with Kyarna being born in 2018, and coming along to the sessions almost immediately, as a ‘Little Helper’.

On a Sunday at the Belmont Cycling Sessions, Laura helps out by doing the welcoming of participants, some of the admin, and taking the payments from participants. Laura has recently started helping in the GBG office doing some admin work, such as data input. Brian’s voluntary time is taken up mainly by loading ad unloading the bikes, taking bikes to different people who need them, and maintenance of the bikes. He does this on a Sunday at Belmont, and on a Monday at BlackBridge Athletics Track. Kyarna comes along with the two of them on a Sunday, and on a Monday in the school holidays. Her role is to take care of the GBG Bikes Mascot – Mr Trunkerton, and to smile as much as she can, which helps put a smile on the participants’ faces also.

‘The best part about volunteering is that every day is different, and the participants are great. Learning about other people’s needs and adaptations has also given us a broader outlook on life. The personal gains I have experienced through volunteering are also amazing, such as my increased confidence since starting. After my surgery, I wouldn’t leave the house, and I am amazed at myself for getting out and volunteering twice a week now. Volunteering has helped to get me back into the real world, and I hope this can help me get a job one day. I am also now studying as a Mature Student now, which would never had happened if it wasn’t for this increase in confidence that has been as a result of my volunteering’ – Laura

‘I love cycling the bikes with other people’ – Kyarna

‘She enjoys making sure that the participants are ok, and the hot chocolate when it’s cold’ – Laura when asked about Kyarna at the sessions

Brian enjoys the fact that the sessions can be like a break for him. Volunteering also makes him feel valued, improving his self-esteem, confidence levels, and mental health.



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