Jack Hazel – Powerchair Football
When he was four, Jack Hazel was not involved in any physical education or extracurricular activities before he attended one of our school taster sessions. However, since discovering Powerchair football at the session, he has become fully committed, attending two regular weekly sessions and even taking part in a competitive fixture. Jack has met with GBG ambassador and former England Powerchair Football player, Coach Brad Bates, who has become a role model for him and others with similar conditions. Through participating in our sessions, Jack has found a new sense of purpose and enjoys the experience. With St James Place Funding, GBG was able to attend Jack’s school, allowing him to participate with his classmates and show them what he is capable of. The school has expressed interest in promoting our Accessible sports activities and clubs so that Jack Hazel’s peers can attend alongside him.
Jack Hazel’s headteacher expressed gratitude for Brian from Goals Beyond Grass for organizing the powerchair football event, which included football matches, penalty shootouts, races, and a space invaders game. The session was a novel experience for everyone, enabling children, parents, and staff to partake in an inclusive and social activity that required significant skill and dexterity to control the chairs.
Jack’s mother, Millie, recounted that he joined powerchair football when he was four but fully started participating after the pandemic ended. Powerchair football has since been a significant part of his life, providing a sense of belonging and ownership through attending training sessions and other events organized by GBG. Jack Hazel particularly enjoys the freedom and speed he experiences in a powerchair, which has helped him realize his potential and become proud of his achievements. Joining GBG has enabled Jack and his family to make friends and gain valuable support, inspiring him and developing his confidence and determination. Jack has even shown off his skills to his school, friends, and their parents, opening their eyes to the level of skill required in this sport. Millie is thrilled that Jack Hazel has found something that motivates him and keeps him going.