Goals Beyond Grass Charity Golf Day
in Association with LAMEX Food Group
On the Day
The GBG Charity golf day in association with Lamex was held on Friday 21st April 2023 at Rodway Hill Golf Course, and was a huge success, raising £3388.40 for GBG.
This money will be used to maintain our regular community club sessions, as well as helping us to subsidize our outreach sessions at organisations such as schools and care homes.
The golf day was a 2 best ball stableford tournament, with the best 2 scores per hole taken for each team, then added up at the end. The top 4 were only separated by 2 points, with the winners on countback (pictured) scoring 92 points.
The winning team, consisting of Johnathan, Mark, Pete, and Adrian, were treated to a nice crate of beer and a 4-ball voucher to the Marriott Worseley Park. Second Place and Third Place were awarded with a round of golf at Rodway Hill Golf Club, and a crate of beer respectively, which they were all very happy about.
The raffle which was held on the day was also very successful, allowing some of the golfers to walk away with prizes of up to £280.