GBG and Friends Information Event
The GBG and Friends Events are a way for our participants, their families, and other people in the community to come together, have a nice social afternoon, and learn about organisations that can help them in the future.
This was the second iteration of the event, this time at The Club at Tuffley Park. We had 11 organisations in attendance, with 1 organisation unable to attend on the day. These were:
- Let’s Talk Gloucestershire
- Chat Health
- On Your Mind Gloucestershire
- Active Impact
- Gloucestershire Rural Community Council
- The Barnwood Trust
- Gloucester Samaritans
- Active Gloucestershire
- GBG Bikes
- Gloucestershire Gladiators
- Pied Piper
- Goals Beyond Grass
The images below show the booklet that was handed out to attendees, which details what all of these companies do, and links to their websites.

There was also a cake stall on the day, with the cakes donated thanks to one of our staff member’s family. This raised £55 for GBG, which will allow us to produce more of our sessions, which are key to the lives of our participants.